How Professional AC Services in Leonard, MI Benefit Your Home?

AC services Leonard MI
AC services Leonard MI

In Leonard, MI, air conditioning is essential to beat the heat during summer days. To guarantee your family’s safety and comfort during this time, it’s crucial to seek professional AC services in Leonard, MI as needed. Working with an expert team of technicians can provide numerous benefits, including: 

1. Cost-Effective Solutions: Professional AC services can save homeowners money on costly repairs down the road. By investing in regular maintenance to keep your air conditioning system running efficiently and addressing any small repairs sooner rather than later, you can drastically reduce repair costs and extend its lifespan.

2. Improved Performance & Air Quality: Regular maintenance helps improve the performance of your air conditioner while also improving air quality within your home. During maintenance visits, technicians check for blocked ducts and filters that need to be changed, which can help improve indoor air quality. 

3. Increased Energy Efficiency: Regular AC services in Rochester Hills, MI can help increase the energy efficiency of your cooling system while also reducing your monthly energy bills. By having a professional inspect your air conditioner each year and providing any necessary repairs or replacements, you’ll be better able to keep cool during hot summer days without breaking the bank. 

4. Safety & Reliability: Working with an experienced team ensures the safety and reliability of all AC-related work so you don’t have to worry about potential damage from DIY repairs or installations gone wrong. Professionals use top-of-the-line tools and equipment to ensure all repairs are done correctly and quickly. 

Professional AC services provide numerous benefits to homeowners. From cost-effective solutions to improved performance and increased energy efficiency, investing in regular maintenance and AC repair in Troy, MI can help keep your family cool while also saving money. 

If you’re in need of AC services in Leonard, MI, or the surrounding areas, contact Total Heating, Cooling & Electrical at (248) 969-9100 for repair, installation, and maintenance services. With regular visits from our team of technicians, you can rest assured your home will remain cool and comfortable during the hottest days throughout summer.

5 Essential AC Maintenance Tips for Leonard, MI Homeowners

Are you a homeowner in Leonard, MI? Do you want to keep your air conditioning system running smoothly and efficiently? If so, then we have just the thing for you. In this article, we’ll discuss 5 essential AC maintenance tips that are essential for all Leonard, MI homeowners. From changing the filters regularly to scheduling an annual tune-up with a professional HVAC technician, these tips will help ensure that your AC is operating properly and efficiently all year long. So read on to learn more about AC maintenance in Leonard, MI

Tip 1: Change Your Filters Regularly

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your air conditioning system is to change or clean its filters regularly. When your filters become clogged or dirty, it can cause the system to work harder than it needs to, leading to higher energy bills and an overall decrease in efficiency. For best results, replace your AC filters every three months or more frequently if you have pets or allergies. 

Tip 2: Check Vents & Registers 

Another important maintenance task is to check the vents and registers throughout your home and make sure they’re free from dust and debris. Clogged vents can restrict airflow and reduce the cooling power of your AC unit. Regularly vacuuming these areas will help keep them clear so that your AC system operates at maximum efficiency. AC repair in Rochester Hills, MI is required if you have blocked vents and registers.

Tip 3: Clear Debris From the Exterior Unit 

It’s also essential to keep the exterior unit of your air conditioning system free from debris. This includes grass clippings, leaves, and other outdoor materials that can accumulate on or around the unit. Keeping this area clear will help ensure that the system is operating properly and efficiently. 

Tip 4: Check Refrigerant Levels 

If you’re having difficulties cooling your home, you may need to check the refrigerant levels in your AC unit. Over time, these levels can become depleted due to air leaks or improper maintenance. Having a professional HVAC technician inspect your system annually is a good way to keep an eye on the refrigerant levels and make sure they’re at their optimal level for efficient operation. 

Tip 5: Schedule an Annual Tune-up 

Finally, scheduling a tune-up with a professional HVAC technician once a year is essential for keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly and efficiently all year round. During the tune-up, your technician will inspect all components of your AC unit to make sure they’re working properly and that there are no potential issues or problems. Having this maintenance done regularly can help prevent costly repairs down the line and ensure that your system runs efficiently all summer long. 

By following these five tips for AC maintenance in Troy or Leonard, MI, you can be sure that your air conditioning system is operating at its best so you can stay cool and comfortable all summer long. Contact Total Heating, Cooling & Electrical at (248) 969-9100 to learn more or book an appointment! 

 Tips to maintain your heat pumps in Leonard, MI

heat pumps leonard mi
heat pumps leonard mi

Heat pumps are an important part of our lives and keeping them in proper working order is key to their longevity. In Leonard, MI, maintaining your heat pump can help you save money on energy bills and keep the system running smoothly for years to come. The following tips will provide some guidance on how to maintain your heat pump in Leonard, MI

1. Clean the filter: Most modern heat pumps have an easily accessible air filter which should be cleaned or replaced regularly. This helps ensure that dirt and debris do not build up in the system, causing it to run less efficiently or even break down prematurely. 

2. Monitor temperature changes: Heat pumps should be regularly monitored for signs of temperature changes inside your home; if the temperature is not consistent, it could be a sign of an issue with the system.

3. Check for leaks: When inspecting your heat pump, make sure to look for any signs of leakage. Leaks can often cause major damage if left untreated and should be addressed as soon as possible. If you have an old unit, a heater replacement in Rochester Hills, MI may be necessary.

4. Keep the outdoor unit clear: Because heat pumps take air from outside your home, it is important to keep the outdoor unit free of debris and vegetation. This will help ensure that the system remains running efficiently without anything blocking its intake process. 

5. Have regular inspections done: Regular maintenance checks are essential in maintaining a healthy heat pump system in Leonard, MI; these should be done at least once every year or two. During an inspection, a technician will be able to detect and repair any issues before they become major problems. You may need to schedule heating repair in Troy, MI if any issues crop up during the inspection.

Following these tips is the best way to keep your heat pump running smoothly in Leonard, MI; this will help save you money on energy costs while also prolonging the life of your system. If you find yourself with any questions or concerns regarding how to maintain your heat pump, contact a local heating specialist for more information. 

Contact Total Heating, Cooling & Electrical today at (248) 969-9100 to learn more or book an appointment! 

Benefits of Heating Services in Leonard MI!

Heating servicescan provide a wide range of benefits to homeowners and businesses alike. From improved energy efficiency to better temperature control, heating services contribute to a healthier home or business environment. Let’s explore some of these benefits of heating services in Leonard, MI and how they can help keep your home warm and comfortable all year round.

1. Cost Savings – Heating services can help reduce energy costs by optimizing your current systems and reducing wasted energy. A heat pump or heater replacement in Rochester Hills MI can further reduce your utility bills and make it easier for you.

2. Improved Comfort – Heating services can be used to improve the comfort levels in your home or business space by controlling temperatures more efficiently and evenly throughout the entire building. This means no more hot and cold spots, no drafts or temperature fluctuations, and improved air circulation overall.

3. Healthier Home – Heating services can also help improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke particles, and other allergens from the air through powerful filtration systems. With all these airborne contaminants removed or reduced, your family will enjoy a healthier environment with fewer respiratory problems and illnesses.

4. Increased Safety – Heating services can help to reduce the risk of fire due to faulty wiring or malfunctioning equipment in older heating systems. Regular maintenance performed by professional technicians is important for keeping your home safe and your family protected from potential hazards.

By taking advantage of services like heating maintenance near Leonard MI, homeowners and businesses can enjoy a wide range of benefits that contribute to improved energy efficiency, comfort levels, air quality, and safety. Contact Total Heating, Cooling & Electrical at (248) 969-9100 to learn more about how we can help make your home or business more comfortable and safer.

Benefits of installing heat pumps in Rochester Hills, MI

Heat pumps are an efficient and cost-effective way to heat and cool a home. Installing a heat pump offers several advantages over traditional heating systems. This article will discuss the benefits of installing heat pumps in Rochester Hills, MI.

Energy Efficiency:

Heat pumps use less energy than traditional furnaces and air conditioners, making them an ideal solution for homeowners looking to reduce their energy consumption. Heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from one area to another, while traditional heating systems burn fuel such as natural gas or propane to generate heat. As a result, heat pumps can be up to twice as efficient as traditional systems when it comes to converting energy into usable warmth or cooling power.

Cost Savings:

Installing a heat pump can help Rochester Hills homeowners save money on heating and cooling costs. Heat pumps provide reliable comfort with very little maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about costly repairs or replacements. Additionally, the energy savings associated with using a heat pump will often offset the cost of installation over time.

Improved Air Quality:

Heat pumps improve indoor air quality by circulating fresh air throughout your home. Traditional heating systems simply recirculate the same stale air without bringing in any new air from outside. By introducing fresh outdoor air into your home, a heat pump helps reduce the amount of dust, pollen, and other allergens in your living space.

Environmental Impact:

Heat pumps help reduce your environmental impact by using less energy than traditional heating systems. This helps to conserve natural resources and lower carbon emissions, making heat pumps near Leonard or Rochester Hills, MI a great choice for those looking to be more eco-friendly.

If you’re looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to heat and cool your Rochester Hills home, installing a heat pump is a smart choice. With their impressive energy efficiency, substantial cost savings, improved air quality, and reduced environmental impact, heat pumps offer numerous benefits that make them a great long-term investment. Contact a local HVAC contractor or a pro experienced in AC repair in Rochester Hills, MI today to learn more about the advantages of installing a heat pump in your home. Contact Total Heating, Cooling & Electrical at (248) 969-9100 for more information.

What are the basics of heating maintenance in Leonard, MI?

Heating maintenance is important to ensure that your system runs smoothly and efficiently all year round. By performing regular maintenance on your heating system, you can avoid costly repairs and prolong its life. This article will discuss the basics of heating maintenance in Leonard, MI, and provide tips for keeping your system running properly.

What Is Heating Maintenance?

Heating maintenance involves regularly inspecting and servicing your furnace or heat pump to ensure it’s working correctly. During a heating maintenance visit, a technician should check for the following:

1. Inspect the pilot light and replace if necessary

2. Check for dirty or clogged filters

3. Test the thermostat accuracy

4. Lubricate all moving parts of your system as needed

5. Ensure that all safety devices are functioning properly

6. Check electrical components for any corrosion, damage, or other issues

7. Verify proper gas pressure levels and adjust as needed

8. Examine heat exchangers for signs of rust, cracks, or other problems

9. Clean condensate lines to prevent clogs from forming in the future

Heating services near Leonard, MI may also include additional checks and maintenance depending on the type of system you have. It is important to have a qualified technician inspect your heating system annually to ensure it’s working properly and operating at maximum efficiency.

Benefits of Heating Maintenance

Regular heating maintenance can improve the efficiency of your system, meaning lower energy bills for you. Additionally, routine maintenance can help extend your furnace or heat pump’s life span by preventing small issues from becoming major problems down the line. Having your system serviced regularly can also improve indoor air quality by eliminating dust, pollen, and other airborne pollutants that may be circulating in your home. The heating replacement cost in Rochester Hills, MI, can also be reduced when you have your current system properly maintained.


Heating maintenance is important for both the short-term and long-term health of your heating system. By having a qualified technician regularly inspect and service your furnace or heat pump, you’ll save money in energy bills, extend the life of your system, and improve your indoor air quality. When it’s time to have an inspection done on your heating system in Leonard, MI, be sure to call a trusted professional who can get the job done right! Get in touch with Total Heating, Cooling & Electrical at (248) 969-9100 to schedule an appointment. 

5 alarmingly common AC maintenance mistakes in Leonard, MI!

It’s no secret that air conditioners require regular maintenance to stay in good working order. However, many homeowners make common mistakes when it comes to AC maintenance in Leonard, MI. These mistakes can lead to costly repairs or even premature replacement of the unit.

1. Not changing the air filter regularly

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your AC unit is to change the air filter regularly. A dirty air filter can restrict airflow and cause the unit to work harder, leading to higher energy bills and increased wear and tear. Change your air filter at least once every three months, or more often if you have pets or live in a dusty area.

2. Ignoring strange noises

If your AC unit starts making strange noises, it’s important to take notice and investigate the cause. Often, strange noises can be a sign of a serious problem, such as a loose fan belt or compressor failure. Don’t ignore strange noises coming from your AC unit – call a technician or AC repair in Rochester Hills, MI for help.

3. Skipping annual maintenance

Annual AC maintenance is vital to keeping your unit in good working condition. During a tune-up, a technician will clean the unit, check for wear and tear, and make any necessary repairs. This can help prevent small problems from becoming big ones, and can keep your AC unit running efficiently for years to come.

4. DIY repairs

When something goes wrong with your AC unit, it’s tempting to try and fix it yourself. However, unless you’re a trained technician, it’s best to leave repairs to the professionals. Trying to repair your AC unit yourself can void your warranty, and may even make the problem worse. The AC services cost in Leonard, MI is worth the peace of mind that comes with knowing your unit is in good hands.

5. Closing vents

It’s a common misconception that closing vents in unused rooms can save energy. However, this can actually put a strain on your AC unit and may cause it to break down prematurely. For more information, contact Total Heating, Cooling, & Electrical at 248-969-9100.

Why scheduling AC repair in Leonard, MI is essential this summer?

As the summer heat rolls in, it’s important to make sure that your air conditioning unit is in good working order. After all, there’s nothing worse than being stuck in a stuffy, hot home when all you want to do is relax in the cool air. That’s why scheduling AC repair in Leonard, MI is essential this summer. By getting your unit serviced now, you can avoid the hassle and discomfort of a broken-down air conditioner later on.

There are a number of reasons why your AC unit may need to be repaired this summer. One possibility is that the coils or other parts of the unit are Dirty, which can cause the unit to work less efficiently and even break down completely. The air conditioning maintenance companies in Rochester Hills, MI can clean your coils and other parts of the unit, improving its efficiency and preventing breakdowns.

Another possibility is that there is a Freon leak. Freon is what cools the air inside your home, so if there’s a leak, warm air will start to seep in, making your home uncomfortably warm.

If you notice any strange noises coming from your AC unit, it’s also a good idea to have it checked out. Grinding, squealing, or hissing noises can indicate that there is a problem with the compressor or other parts of the system.

It’s important to note that even if your AC unit seems to be working fine, it’s still a good idea to schedule AC repairing services in Leonard, MI before the summer heat really sets in. This way, you can be sure that it’s ready to go when you need it most.

If you’re not sure whether or not your AC unit needs to be repaired, the best thing to do is contact a reputable HVAC company and schedule an appointment for an inspection. They will be able to tell you for sure if there are any problems that need to be addressed.

So don’t wait until the heat is unbearable to schedule AC repair in Leonard, MI. Contact Total Heating Cooling & Electrical at 248-969-9100 to schedule an appointment today. Our experienced technicians will inspect your unit and let you know if there are any problems that need to be fixed.

The importance of AC maintenance in Troy!

As a Troy, IL homeowner, you understand the importance of regular AC maintenance. By scheduling annual maintenance, you can help ensure your system is running properly and avoid costly repairs down the road. Here are 8 reasons why it’s important to keep your AC in top condition: 

1. Improve Efficiency: Regular AC maintenance service in Troy can improve your system’s efficiency, helping it to run cooler and use less energy. This can lead to lower utility bills each month.

2. Prolong the Life of Your Unit: By keeping your AC well-maintained, you can prolong its life. With proper care, your unit could last up to 15 years or more.

3. Avoid Costly Repairs: Scheduling regular maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs down the road. By catching problems early, you can often save money on major repairs.

4. Improve Air Quality: Regular AC maintenance can help improve the air quality in your home by removing dust and debris from the system. This can be especially beneficial for allergy sufferers or those with respiratory problems.

5. Increase Comfort: By keeping your AC in top condition, you can ensure that your home is always comfortable, no matter the temperature outside.

6. Avoid Unexpected Breakdowns: No one wants their AC to break down in the middle of summer. By scheduling regular maintenance, you can help avoid an unexpected breakdown when you need it most.

7. Save Money: Regular AC maintenance can save you money in the long run by helping you avoid costly repairs and increasing efficiency.

8. Get Peace of Mind: Knowing that your AC is well-maintained can give you peace of mind all year long. Schedule annual maintenance and enjoy worry-free comfort all season long.

The AC services cost in Leonard, MI varies depending on the company. Some companies offer discounts for first-time customers or loyalty programs that can save you money over time. 

What is covered in AC maintenance?

The scope of work for an AC maintenance visit can vary depending on the company, but some common tasks are typically performed:

-Inspect and clean air filters: It is important to regularly check and clean your air filters to ensure optimal airflow and efficiency.

-Inspect evaporator coils: The evaporator coils can become dirty over time, which can reduce efficiency. A trained technician will inspect the coils and clean them as necessary.

-Inspect and clean condenser coils: The condenser coils are responsible for transferring heat from the refrigerant to the outside air. Over time, these coils can become dirty and impact the AC’s ability to cool your home.

-Inspect blower motor: The blower motor is responsible for circulating air throughout the AC system. A trained technician will inspect the motor for any signs of wear or damage.

-Inspect ductwork: Leaks in the ductwork can cause your AC to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy bills. A technician will inspect the ductwork for any signs of leaks or damage.

-Test thermostat: The thermostat is responsible for regulating the temperature in your home. A trained technician will test the thermostat to ensure it is working properly.

-Inspect refrigerant levels: The refrigerant is responsible for cooling the air in your home. If the level of refrigerant is low, it can impact the AC’s ability to cool your home. A technician will check the levels and add more if necessary.

AC maintenance is important for many reasons. By keeping your AC in top condition, you can improve efficiency, prolong the life of your unit, and avoid costly repairs. Schedule annual maintenance and enjoy worry-free comfort all season long.

What is the cost of AC maintenance?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the cost of AC maintenance can vary depending on the type of AC unit, the frequency of maintenance required, and the company providing the service. However, it is generally advisable to budget for at least $100 per year for AC maintenance.

If you are searching for AC maintenance or AC replacement near me, you should consider the costs, benefits, and AC types before making a decision. Once you have decided that AC maintenance is the best option for you, contact the experts at Total Heating, Cooling, & Electrical at 248-973-6503  for all your AC needs!

What are the benefits of having a new heater installation in Rochester Hills, MI?

benefits of having a new heater installation in Rochester Hills, MI?


A new heater installation can bring a number of benefits to your home, including improved heating performance, lower energy bills, and increased safety. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at each of the benefits of new heater installation in Rochester Hills, MI in detail.

Improved Heating Performance:

One of the most obvious benefits of having a new heater installation is that it can improve your home’s heating performance. An old or inefficient heater can struggle to heat your home properly, leading to drafts and cold spots. A new heater will be much more effective at heating your home evenly and keeping it comfortable. You would also not require emergency heating services in Rochester Hills, MI as often.

Lower Energy Bills:

Another great benefit of a new heater installation is that it can help you save money on your energy bills. Newer heaters are much more efficient than older models, meaning they use less energy to produce the same amount of heat. This can lead to significant savings on your monthly energy bills.

Increased Safety:

One of the most important benefits of having a new heater installation is that it can help increase the safety of your home. Older heaters can pose a fire hazard, and may not have the necessary safety features to prevent accidents. A new heater will be up to date with the latest safety standards and will be much less likely to cause an accident.

Increasing the Value of Your Home:

If you’re thinking of selling your home in the future, heating services near me can also help increase its value. Buyers will be willing to pay more for a home that has a new, efficient heater installed. This is especially true if you live in an area where heating costs are high.

Total Heating, Cooling & Electrical is proud to offer new heater installation services in Rochester Hills, MI. Our team of experienced professionals can help you choose the right heater for your home and budget, and will ensure that it is installed properly. Contact us today at 248-973-6503 to schedule a consultation.